Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing is a beautiful embodiment of love, light and authenticity. This space was created by, Elder Priestess Heidi Ronquillo to help others awaken to there inner strength and beauty.  Heidi loves educating women on the power of their womb and how to reclaim their feminine energy. One of the most important things she does as a Priestess is support women on their womb, sexual healing journey. By combining her knowledge in Womb Healing, shamanic healing, tantra, cosmic sexuality and self-love coaching with various healing techniques she will support you as you awaken into your authentic self and find the true balance between spirit and body through the power of love.


  • Services

    We offer services such as Womb Blessing, Womb Healing, Shamanic Journey sessions, Reiki Healing, Reiki Classes, Private Yoga sessions, Oracle reading and Aromatherapy wellness counseling. 

  • Female Energy Awakening Sessions

    The womb is the center of power for a woman, it is where we hold the divine feminine energy, where we hold the power to create and manifest things into our life.That is why this program is so important to share with you all. 

    The Womb Blessing and the Womb Healings therapies developed by Miranda Grey offer us the opportunity to connect with this center of ourselves in order to connect to our powe.It Bring us into love, harmony, and brings self-empowerment to your true cyclic nature. It is a path of self development, spriritual development and ​an awakening of our authentic feminine nature.

    ​Available in person and distant.